Friday, February 10, 2017

Just A Little Food for Thought...

In All Am I All In?

Are we ALL IN? In ALL am I ALL IN? I know these words look a little jumbled, but really meditate and question yourself: Am I ALL IN in my walk with Christ who is my savior, redeemer, and friend? Would I be willing to give ALL I have, love, and own to God if he asks me to? Do I live in such a way that others look at me and realize that I am ALL IN no matter the circumstance? In Luke 21:4, it references how this poor widow in her penury (or extreme poverty) cast IN ALL the living that she had--only 2 mites! Now, this was the smallest amount in use among the Jews! I know it may not seem like a whole lot to us, but to her it was ALL she had! Would I be able to do that? Would you?
...just a little FOOD for thought!

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